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来源: 时间:2021-09-29 点击量:


20087月毕业于北京大学物理系,获理学学士学位。20128月毕业于美国密歇根大学安娜堡分校,获得统计学硕士和生物信息学博士学位,期间入选HHMI International Student Research Fellow20129月-201412月在美国哈佛大学公共卫生学院生物统计系从事统计遗传学博士后研究工作,合作导师为林希虹院士。2015年-2018年于新加坡科技局基因组研究所担任研究员(独立PI),领导大规模人群基因组学数据分析的方法与应用研究。2018年入选国家级青年人才计划,全职回国任教于华中科技大学,先后获得湖北省百人计划(2018)、湖北省公共卫生青年拔尖人才(2021)、湖北省杰出青年基金(2022)等荣誉。2023年荣获国家杰出青年基金。


主要研究领域为统计群体遗传与基因组学,通过数学模型与统计方法创新,整合分析基因组学与医学大数据,揭示复杂疾病的遗传和分子机制、发现预防干预靶点,提高疾病风险评估精度,促进精准医学的发展,代表工作发表在Cell(封面论文)、Nature GeneticsAJHGGenome Medicine等权威期刊。此外,在面对突发新冠疫情时,团队发挥统计专业特长,在传统模型的基础上考虑新冠感染者在潜伏期和无症状时就具备传染性等特点,创建了SAPHIRE动力学模型,及时评估联防联控效果,揭示新冠病毒具有高传染性和高隐蔽性两大传播特征,以封面论文发表在Nature,并获评“中国生物信息学十大进展”。



代表性论著 (* 代表共同第一作者; # 代表通讯作者)

  1. Z Zhu, K Wang, X Hao, L Chen, Z Liu, C Wang#. Causal graph among serum lipids and glycemic traits: a Mendelian randomization study. Diabetes. 2022; 71(8):1818-1826.

  2. K Wang, X Shi, Z Zhu, X Hao, L Chen, S Cheng, RSY Foo, C Wang#. Mendelian randomization analysis of 37 risk factors and coronary artery disease in East Asian and European populations. Genome Medicine. 2022; 14(1): 63.

  3. S Cheng*, J Lyu*, X Shi, K Wang, Z Wang, M Deng, B Sun#, C Wang#. Rare variant association tests for ancestry-matched case-control data based on conditional logistic regression. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2022; 23(2): bbab572.

  4. D Wu, PY Li, B Pan, Z Tiang, J Dou, I Williantarra, AY Pribowo, R Nurdiansyah, SG Peranakan Project, RSY Foo#, C Wang#. Genetic admixture in the culturally unique Peranakan Chinese population in Southeast Asia. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2021; 38(10): 4463-4474.

  5. J Dou*, D Wu*, L Ding, K Wang, M Jiang, X Chai, DF Reilly, ES Tai, J Liu, X Sim, S Cheng#, C Wang#. Using off-target data from whole-exome sequencing to improve genotyping accuracy, association analysis, and polygenic risk prediction. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2021; 22(3): bbaa084.

  6. X Hao*, S Cheng*, D Wu*, T Wu#, X Lin#, C Wang#. Reconstruction of the full transmission dynamics of COVID-19 in Wuhan. Nature, 2020; 584: 420-424. (Nature封面)

  7. A Pan*, L Liu*, C Wang*, H Guo*, X Hao*, Q Wang, J Huang, N He, H Yu, X Lin#, S Wei#, T Wu#. Association of public health interventions with the epidemiology of the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, China. JAMA, 2020; 323(19): 1915-1923.

  8. D Wu*, J Dou*, X Chai*, C Bellis, A Wilm, CC Shih, WWJ Soon, N Bertin, CB Lin, CC Khor, M DeGiorgio, S Cheng, L Bao, N Karnani, WYK Hwang, S Davila, P Tan, A Shabbir, A Moh, EK Tan, JN Foo, LL Goh, KP Leong, RSY Foo, CSP Lam, AM Richards, CY Cheng, T Aung, TY Wong, HH Ng, SG10K Consortium, J Liu#, C Wang#. Large-scale whole-genome sequencing of three diverse Asian populations in Singapore. Cell, 2019; 179(3): 736-749. (Cell封面)

  9. C Wang#, X Zhan, L Liang, GR Abecasis, X Lin. Improved ancestry estimation for both genotyping and sequencing data using projection Procrustes analysis and genotype imputation. AJHG, 2015; 96: 926-937.

  10. C Wang#,*, X Zhan*, J Bragg-Gresham, HM Kang, D Stambolian, E Chew, K Branham, J Heckenlively, The FUSION Study, RS Fulton, RK Wilson, ER Mardis, X Lin, A Swaroop, S Zollner, GR Abecasis#. Ancestry estimation and control of population stratification for sequence-based association studies. Nature Genetics, 2014; 46: 409-415.


接收本科生2-3/行科研培,招收士生、博士生4-5/年,常年招收博士后。 有意者过邮系。


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